


I don’t trust Tom Hardy because he seems like the kind of dog lover who despises cats. Who acts like the entire species slighted him personally and are the cause of global warming.

Meanwhile, Chris Evans and Chris Pine seem like the kind of dog lovers who prefer dogs but still like cats and understand that they just express affection differently.

NOTORIOUS rescuer of helpless Romanian street kitten Tom Hardy, who illicitly hid the cat in his hotel room and made sure his new friend got adopted by nice local people before he left the country and posted blogs about how much he loved him??? NAY, I say unto thee. NAY INDEED.

“On the way back from the internet cafe yesterday, there’s this kitten in the road, and I’m like. hey kat whssup? then I had to double take. that’s a small cat as cats go. it’s prolly like a couple months old max. so I’m like hey little fella, and I look about but no one is looking for this thing. so I stopped and turned round and said hey kat where’s your family, and he’s like I don’t know. then he wanders up to me and bang he’s in my scoop and I’m looking around I ask a few old ladies this your cat, a man this your… nothing, infact the languague barrier lifts with one old lady who speaks no english but I can tell she wishes me well infact every girl in town now notices I have a kitten and even though I have a skinhead and baggy pants on, the uniform of the criminal, I am now such a sweet boy with his kitten. I’m like no, you don’t understand this is not my kitten, this is God’s child I found in the street prolly belongs to some kid who is crying right now … I got to find him a home is there like an RSPCA here or something? the girls at reception fall in love with him. he’s all fluffy coz I put him in a bath, I told them they’re like we can see, really this kat sparkles now. but he doesn’t want to hang out with them he wants to sit on my shoulder and stare and watch MTV in the room… . tomorrow he’s coming to work and we’re going  to try and get him
rehoused. he is such a dude, and he is very funny  and likes to talk a
lot cuddle and sleep, plus he follows me everywhere  talking romanian,
I’m like I live in london dude I have no idea what  you’re on about”